Art Post – They Happen

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Alex and Kitsiyuna - Tits Happen

Here’s a dumb idea I had for a quick drawing that I’ve had floating around in my head for a while now. This is basically what I want to say to anybody who makes a remark about a female character’s design that essentially boils down to “This girl has big boobs, and that’s gross and unrealistic” despite many real life examples to the contrary.

(Of course I did “slightly” exaggerate  Kitsiyuna’s bust size for the sake of this joke image, so that might hurt my case just a little. Still, she does have some shapeshifting capabilities, so who’s to say making her tits bigger isn’t something she can do in cannon? It would certainly help excuse the fact that I never even try to draw her consistently on model… Though I’m not sure what the excuse would be for literally every other character I draw however…)

But anyways, it’s a topic I see rather frequently pop up online on places like Reddit and GameFaqs when it comes to crap like anime and video games made in Japan. It’s even a debate I’ve had with my brother a couple of times… And every single time I see it happen, I just think to myself:

“There should be nothing wrong with a female character who has a large chest, and there should be nothing wrong with liking them either. Just treat adding bigger boobs to a design like you’re seasoning a dish. Sure, you can “apply” TOO MUCH to some dishes (or designs in this case) and sure, sometimes adding any “seasoning” at all can clash with the original intention of the dish in some rare cases (I’m sure the “flat is justice” crowd knows what I’m talking about here), but in most situations adding a little bit here and there is only going to make your designs that much more fun and enticing. Because that’s how most people usually see them. As FUN. And to anyone who implies that there is SOMETHING wrong with a girl having big boobs because its “gross”, “sexist”, “degrading to women”, or something like that, you’re kind of painting yourself as an even bigger sexist by saying to any woman with big boobs IN REAL LIFE that there is something wrong with her…”

Though, at the very least in the case of my brother, he is a gay furry who finds anime art styles in general to be a little uncanny, so at the very least I can understand where HE is coming from in his opposition to big ol’ anime titties… (The damn otter loving freak…) The rest though, I think are just being overly puritanical for little reason and probably haven’t really thought about some of the implications their arguments against this stuff can mean.

That all being said, I do actually have something else for you all… You see, the above picture was what I had originally planned for this image idea, but then when it came time for me to actually draw the thing, I decided to make it a full body image instead:

Alex and Kitsiyuna - Tits Happen (Full Picture)

Here I did yet another experiment with the shading. This time, I went with something of a “less is more” kind of approach, and de-emphasized the shading and highlights. From this little experiment, I have concluded… that I actually like this way of shading. It feels a lot more “honest” and a lot less “try hardy” about my abilities as an artist for a lack of any better words (If you don’t understand that, basically I feel that whenever I do more detailed shading than this, I usually screw it up in some way and make the picture come out worse than if I had did no shading at all). Expect to see me do a lot more pictures like this in the future. Not in regards to the big ol’ anime titties aspect, but more the general approach to shading I took. Eh, who am I kidding? There’s definitely also going to be more big ol’ anime titties from me at some point in the future as well…

Anyways, that’s pretty much everything I wanted to say this week, so until then, I’ll see you all next post.

Night Fox – Comic Post #154: Sabrina’s First Hunt Pg.8

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Rare shot here of Kitsiyuna’s back not being blocked off by her hair, though her boa still is partially in the way. I’ve slowly realized just how much these two aspects to her design really let me “cheat” when it comes to drawing her, with how much of her shape/form get covered up by them. So, because I actually want to keep getting better at drawing her, I’ve been taking more opportunities to draw her in poses or at angles where they’re less in the way. Hopefully we’ll start to see some improvements to my art in general as a result…

Anyways, I normally don’t do too much editing to my drawings for the comic once I have them scanned in if only to make everything look like it was consistently done in the same medium (and because I’m too lazy to do proper linework and shading in Photoshop every single week). This is a general rule I’ve been following with this comic for a while now, ever since I decided to stop doing blood in color because it always stood out in a bad way whenever I did. That being said, there will be times where I do buck that trend a little bit and do some editing in Photoshop outside of adjusting the black and white levels  of a drawing after a scan. Alex being dragged underwater here is one such example of a time where I feel the edits are needed, if only because I have no idea how to convincingly make it look like he was underwater with just pencil.

At this point, I feel I should probably just buckle down and get myself a drawing tablet so I can just do every step of the process digitally and not have it be super time consuming. I just need to find one that works with a crappy 10 year old laptop and then spend months learning how to use it properly because I have no experience using tablets… Though if I ever do get around to getting one, a good idea for more content could be where I post all of the crappy images I end up making as I slowly learn how to use the damn thing…

At any rate, I think that’s enough musings from me, for this week, so until then, I’ll see you all next comic.

(PS – Art post coming in on Friday at the usual time for those of you who actually care about those…)

Night Fox – Comic Post #154: Sabrina’s First Hunt Pg.6

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So that bit about the high heels in the last panel ties into a bit of a pet peeve of mine that involve female characters who wear them. That pet peeve? How, whenever a female character is designed wearing heels, it always seems to be THE ONE THING other people can’t suspend their disbelief about. “Oh, this chick knows how to suplex giant monsters and cast fire magic, that’s all fine… But she’s doing that all in high heels!? That’s just unrealistic and stupid!”

It’s like people think that all of the restrictions of reality have to apply to fiction, and as such, they think it’s impossible that a character can move efficiently in heels, or that they’ll destroy their legs because that’s what happens in real life or something. That’s also ignoring the fact that they do make some high heels that alleviate a lot of those problems in real life, specifically stuff like stripper heels that girls are actually supposed to be able to DANCE in. So you people, who happen to have problems with more “active” female characters who wear heels, keep stuff like that in mind when you specifically complain about a girl wearing “stripper heels”…

At any rate, when you apply all of those “limiting factors” to Kitsiyuna, you realize absolutely none of that stuff should be a problem for her because she’s a superhuman Spirit, and that it would be nothing but a benefit for her to wear them for all of the reasons she listed. Because who doesn’t like an ass that is just that little bit nicer in the first place? (Not to mention I personally have a much easier time drawing the “female form” when they do have heels on, what with them helping fill out them curves and what not, so maybe I’m even more biased in liking them… You can call me sexist for this all you want, but at the end of the day… I like my girls looking cute and sexy and nothing you say will change that!)

Anyways, I think that’s enough for this week’s post, so until then, I’ll see you next comic.

Night Fox – Comic Post #154: Sabrina’s First Hunt Pg.5

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And in contrast to last week’s comic, here’s one that’s pretty much all action. A rarity from me, I know. However, just like with last week’s, this is another one of those times where I don’t really have too much to say. So until then, I’ll see you all next comic.