Art Post – The Absolute Mad Lad

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MHA Deku - June 2019

It was originally going to be a toss-up of me drawing either Uraraka or Tsuyu from My Hero Academia before I realized just how many girls I had been drawing lately. So to change things up a little and to prove I’m not some kind of a horrible sexist or something “awful” like that, I opted to draw Deku instead. Because I’m such a basic bitch that OF COURSE I would draw the main character for my first bit of fan art for the series.

I wanted to draw him like he’s ready to deck someone in the face as a way to practice getting better at action shots, because I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not so great at those… The pose looks just a little off in terms of invoking the right kind of “movement”, but I think the lightning kinda saves the sense of motion I was trying to go for. Actually pretty pleased with how the lightning turned out in general. I usually fuck up effects like that. I guess this is what happens when you’re drawing something that someone far better than you already drew and as such, you have a lot of really good reference to go off of.

You know, I bet if a commissioned a really good artist to draw one of my own characters, I would get so much better at drawing that character myself… Because I would have a much more skilled artist’s work to actually copy and learn from. That’s something I’ll have to consider for the future. Anyways, that’s enough musings from me. I’ll have something else to post later this week (that’s NOT the weekly comic update), so keep an eye out for it. So, until then, I’ll see you all next post.


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