Night Fox? – Comic Post #157: Alex’s Weekend Alone Pg.2

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This first part here in that block quote is a small addendum that I’ve added to this post because I typed the rest of this up before Nintendo’s E3, and some things were brought up that I kinda want to talk about in this post:

Holy fucking shit GameFreak! YOU FUCKED UP!

No Pokemon outside of the Galar Pokedex are going to be transferable to Sword and Shield in ANY form!? Screw those people who like being able to transfer forward their whole collections gen to gen, am I right!? Fuck you, you LAZY pieces of shit! Nobody believes your bullshit excuses for why you’re completely arbitrarily not putting a good chunk of Pokemon into the game!

You’ll “try” to include as many of the fan favorites as you can? I guaran-FUCKING-tee you that means NONE of the PRECIOUS Kanto Pokemon will be cut because you gotta CONSTANTLY nostalgia bait those INSUFFERABLE Gen-Wunners, RIGHT!? There’s a reason Gen 5, what I consider to be the franchise’s PEAK, was a breath of fresh air for giving us a break from the same 151 mons we’ve been CONSTANTLY subjected to for the past 20 YEARS!

And just what exactly were your reasons for removing Pokemon from the game entirely? To improve the game balance and make the animations better…? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BULLSHIT!!!! The game will be just as unbalanced as EVER and the animations will STILL look incredibly lazy and shitty. Stop insulting the intelligence of your fan base with such transparently retarded excuses! We all know the real reason you’re cutting Pokemon from the game: Because you all can’t be bothered to get off of your lazy asses and stop cutting corners! That’s the only reason you decided to do this! Did you not future proof all Pokemon models back in Gen 6 for a reason!?

At this point, you should just delay the game a couple of months to give yourself the time needed to get them all in. Or at least PROMISE us some fucking updates that will add the ability to transfer them to the game rather than saying this is how you’ll be doing things going forward. Because you’re going to lose a lot of fans if you don’t…

And I SWEAR TO CHRIST, you better introduce more 100 new mons this gen, because Gens 6 and 7 were utterly horrendous in that regard! I like being able to go through each game, making a team of Pokemon I’ve never used before. It’s impossible to do that though when you don’t actually add enough new Pokemon! And there better be some new cross-gen evolutions! Because some of those older mons really need it! That leak about Farfetch’d getting an evolution better not be so far-fetched if you know what I’m saying!

(Also, am I the only one who doesn’t give a shit about Banjo or ANYONE from fucking Dragon Quest making it into Smash!? When am I going to get some DLC characters that I actually want Sakurai? WHEN!?)

Okay, rant over…

And now for something completely different.

So this bit of a non-sequitur in the comic was brought about purely because I was bored and wanted to see how well I could write a scene for Meldworld (one of those other comic ideas I’ve had floating around). I didn’t want to abandon doing Night Fox or anything like that, so I tried to incorporate it into the main comic in a way that somewhat keeps in cannon, by giving it a cameo as a TV show (Just ignore the fact that these characters did show up in person inside Owen’s shop so they can somehow exist as both real people and fictional TV characters at the same time…)

I learned a bit from writing this little diversion. I learned that it’s really hard to write characters that are supposed to be stupid when you’re used to writing for characters who are supposed to be snarky assholes, especially for comedic purposes. Quirky’s dialogue here was definitely the hardest to come up with, purely because there are just so many different ways for an idiot to be an idiot. Quirky here is supposed to be that special breed of idiot who will fall flat on their face purely because they forgot how to stand for a couple of seconds, while also being able to get through any kind of bad situation through some blind luck and a little bit of surprisingly competent idiot savant-ness. You basically have to find the line between what the idiot can and cannot understand, then blur that line a lot as the plot demands. It involved a lot of rewriting dialogue on my part, but I eventually settled on Quirky being the kind of guy who doesn’t quite know what lips are, but knows that they’re necessary to play a trumpet. The whole exercise in general just gave me a newfound appreciation for dumb characters who are actually written well. It’s a lesson I think we can all learn…

That we should appreciate idiots more…!

Now, before I wrap things up here, I’ve got two more things I want to bring up. First, is an irrelevant fun fact that I just wanted to cover. The Brass Master’s design is supposed to be a hybrid of General Onox from Oracle of Seasons (which low-key might be one of my favorite Zelda games), Smough from Dark Souls (which is a game that I’ve never played), and these guys right here (because they just look so stupid and hilarious). Considering it’s a design for a completely pointless filler character, I certainly put more thought into it than I needed to… The second thing that I wanted to cover is more art! I’ve got a couple of drawings in the works that I still need to finish, plus two Meldworld related ones that are ready to post at any time. The first one is probably going up on Friday, and the other one I’ll shoot for Monday. I could just post them right now, but I try to avoid spamming posts all in one day (that Sonia quick sketch I did last week obviously being an exception). As for the other ones… well, you’ll see ’em when you see ’em.

Anyways, that’s all from me, so until then, I’ll see you next comic.


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